

mmwave-capture-std consists of 3 modules: mmwave hardware interface (Radar, DCA1000), data capture and hardware managing (capture), and raw data parser (parser).

In the following quickstart, we will demonstrate how to use mmwavecapture to capture raw data from TI IWR1843 radar (IWR1843BOOST) and DCA1000EVM data capture card on Linux.


Before we start the quickstart, please make sure you setup the hardware and software environment properly.

Please refer to Setup page for more details.

For the following quickstart, we assume you have the following hardware setup:

  • IWR1843BOOST (Out-of-box demo SDK: 3.6.0)

  • DCA1000EVM (FPGA firmware: 2.8)

Millimeter-wave Hardware Interface#

In mmwave-capture-std, Radar and DCA1000 only focus on hardware setup, that means the actual data capturing is not done in the millimeter-wave hardware interface.

Communicate with Radar#

Let us start with communicate with the radar, first connect radar USB cable to your computer, and get the config and port UART path. On Linux it should be /dev/ttyACM0 and /dev/ttyACM1 respectively.


Having trouble to find UART path? See reference: MMWAVE SDK User Guide

A minimum code to communicate with radar will be like this:

import mmwavecapture.radar

cfg_file = "tests/configs/xwr18xx_profile_2023_01_01T00_00_00_000.cfg"
radar = mmwavecapture.radar.Radar(


It should connect to radar UARTs, initialize the radar, and print out the radar status and data port baudrate:

(<RadarStatus.INIT: 0>, 921600)

We can then config the radar as what we provided in cfg_file and capture_frames:


If it runs without any error, great! That means we config the radar correctly and it is ready to start sensing.

Then we can start sensing by calling start_sensor()


Vola, the radar start to sensing!


This module DOES NOT caputre data from radar DSP (from _data_port).

Communicate with DCA1000EVM#

Now, we want to communicate with the DCA1000EVM data capture card via Ethernet, please connect DCA1000EVM Ethernet to your computer Ethernet interface.

A minimum code to communicate with DCA1000EVM data capture card will be like this:

import mmwavecapture.dca1000

dca = mmwavecapture.dca1000.DCA1000()

It should print out the FPGA version of DCA1000EVM data capture card, it shows our DCA1000EVM FPGA firmware version is 2.8, and it is not in playback mode:

(2, 8, False)

We can then config the DCA1000EVM data capture card:


Great, now the data capture card is start to capture data from the radar.


After start_record() is called, the data capture card will start to capture data from radar. But if they did not receive any data from radar after 10 seconds, it will throw out an No LVDS data error status and stop capturing data.

You can observe this by taking a look at the DCA1000EVM data capture card status LED, you will see the LVDS_PATH_ERR_LED3 is on (red light).

Capturing Data and Dataset Capture Management#

Now we know how to communicate with radar and DCA1000EVM data capture card, we can then start to capture raw data from radar and DCA1000EVM data capture card.

Unlike other packages, mmwave-capture-std separate the data capturing from the millimeter-wave hardware interface, so we have a separate module for data capturing.

Let us see how we can capture data easily with mmwave-capture-std by our high-level CaptureManager:

import mmwavecapture.capture

cm_config_file = "examples/capture_iwr1843.toml"
cm = mmwavecapture.capture.CaptureManager(cm_config_file)

That’s all! Then it should start to capture data from radar and DCA1000EVM data capture card, with the configuration provided in cm_config_file.

  mmwave-capture-std [add-docs]   poetry run python
Python 3.10.10 (main, Mar  5 2023, 22:26:53) [GCC 12.2.1 20230201] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import mmwavecapture.capture
>>> cm_config_file = "examples/capture_iwr1843.toml"
>>> cm = mmwavecapture.capture.CaptureManager(cm_config_file)
2023-06-03 13:07:32.093 | INFO     | mmwavecapture.capture.capture:_get_next_capture_dir:276 - Capture ID: 1
>>> cm.init_hw()
2023-06-03 13:07:32.098 | INFO     | mmwavecapture.capture.capture:init_hw:281 - Initializing capture hardware `iwr1843` from `mmwavecapture.capture.RadarDCA`
2023-06-03 13:07:37.504 | SUCCESS  | mmwavecapture.capture.capture:init_hw:296 - Capture hardware `iwr1843` initialized
2023-06-03 13:07:37.505 | SUCCESS  | mmwavecapture.capture.capture:init_hw:298 - Total of 1 capture hardware initialized
>>> cm.capture()
2023-06-03 13:07:44.278 | INFO     | mmwavecapture.capture.capture:capture:309 - Adding capture hardware `iwr1843`
2023-06-03 13:07:44.278 | INFO     | mmwavecapture.capture.capture:capture:174 - Preparing capture hardware
2023-06-03 13:07:44.287 | INFO     | mmwavecapture.capture.capture:capture:178 - Starting capture hardware
2023-06-03 13:07:44.383 | SUCCESS  | mmwavecapture.capture.capture:capture:181 - Capture started
2023-06-03 13:07:47.457 | INFO     | mmwavecapture.capture.capture:capture:185 - Capture finished
2023-06-03 13:07:47.457 | INFO     | mmwavecapture.capture.capture:capture:187 - Dumping capture hardware configurations
2023-06-03 13:07:47.458 | SUCCESS  | mmwavecapture.capture.capture:capture:321 - Capture finished, all files output to `example_dataset/capture_00001/`

Yep, capturing data is that easy with mmwave-capture-std.

CaptureManager Dataset Directories Structure in mmwave-capture-std#

mmwave-capture-std aims at providing a HDF5-like dataset structure for the captured data, so that it is easy to use and easy to manage for everyone.

The dataset directories structure is like this:

Dataset directories structure

Dataset directories structure#

dataset_path/           # Create when initalizing `CaptureManager`
├── capture_00000/      # Create when calling `CaptureManager.capture()`   ├── config.toml     # Capture configuration   ├── capture.log     # Capture log   ├── iwr1843_vert/   # Capture hardware name      ├── dca.pcap    # DCA1000EVM capture pcap      ├── radar.cfg   # Radar configuration      ├── dca.json    # DCA1000EVM configuration   ├── realsense/      # Another capture hardware name      ├── color.avi   # Color video
├── capture_00001/
│   ├── config.toml
│   ├── capture.log
│   ├── iwr1843_vert/
│      ├── dca.pcap

At each capture directory, there is a config.toml file, which contains the capture configuration, a capture.log includes logging, and a directory for each capture hardware, which contains the hardware configuration and its captured data.

Replicate the capture of a specific dataset capture#

If you want to replicate the capture of a specific dataset capture, you just need to run the capture manager with the config.toml file of that capture. Easy and simple!


Sure you will need to connect all the hardware to your computer, and modify the config.toml file to match your hardware configuration. (e.g. change the radar serial port name, change the IP address of the DCA1000EVM, etc.)

Parsing the Captured Raw Millimeter-wave Signal#

In the example configuration, the captured result will be stored in example_dataset/capture_00000/. The layout should be like this:

├── config.toml
├── capture.log
├── iwr1843/
│   ├── dca.pcap
│   ├── radar.cfg
│   ├── dca.json

Let us try to parse the captured raw millimeter-wave signal from pcap file into a numpy.ndarray[numpy.complex64] array.

from mmwavecapture.parser.pcap import PcapCparser

pcap_file = ("example_dataset/capture_00000/"
data_ports = [4098]
pcap = PcapCparser(
for port in data_ports:
    raw_signal = pcap.get_complex(port)

The output should be like this (of course the complex numbers will be different):

[ 1.6421e+04+6.8000e+01j -5.2000e+01+1.0800e+02j
  1.4000e+01-1.6368e+04j 4.3000e+01+2.6000e+02j
  3.2670e+04+1.6441e+04j -5.3700e+02-2.6200e+02j
  -1.6415e+04+1.6223e+04j  3.2400e+02-4.3900e+02j]

How come the raw data shape is (327680,)? Let us check the radar.cfg file:

channelCfg 15 5 0
profileCfg 0 77 429 7 57.14 0 0 70 1 256 5209 0 0 30
chirpCfg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
chirpCfg 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4
frameCfg 0 1 16 10 100 1 0

This means we have:

  • 10 frames

  • 2 TX antennas

  • 4 RX antennas

  • 16 chirps per frame

  • 256 samples per chirp

Multiply them we get 327680 (10 * 2 * 4 * 16 * 256), which is the total complex numbers of the raw data!

Debugging the pcap file by Wireshark#

The benefit of using tcpdump to capture the raw millimeter-wave signal is that we ensure all the packets are captured, resolve out-of-order packets, having additional information for each packet, and we can use Wireshark to debug the pcap file.

mmwave-capture-std provides a Wireshark dissector for the DCA1000EVM raw packet and config packet. You can find the dissector in wireshark/dca1000evm_raw.lua.

To use the dissector, simply type in the following command in your terminal:

wireshark -X lua_script:wireshark/dca1000evm_raw.lua \

Then you can see the packets in Wireshark:

Wireshark DCA1000EVM raw packet dissector, the sequence ID for this packet is 901, and the total bytes (without that packet) sent by the data capture card is 1310400 bytes.

The DCA1000EVM raw packet dissector#

Wireshark DCA1000EVM config packet dissector, this is a system status packet with No LVDS data flag set.

The DCA1000EVM config packet dissector#

What’s Next?#

Now you have learned the basic of mmwave-capture-std!